Taiwan Trip 2010 Part 2

After the cold cold night in Alisan (if I ever go there again I would stay in a better hotel).. We travelled downhill to make our way to Yunlin.We stopped by a few places of interest along the way. Fen Qi Hu Old
  Street (奋起湖老街) - to eat the 'famous' Railway Bento (铁路便当). Bought a lot of ginger tea from there.. haha... When we arrived back in Jiayi, we also went to the Wen Hua Lu (文化路) Night Market before heading to our destination. As we were relatively early, there was not much of a crowd but pity that we only had about an hour so we didn't really have the time to look around. Thankfully the journey to Yunlin was only about 45mins so by the time we checked in, we still had time to relax before going to bed. Next day was supposed to be a real adventure as our target place is Jian Hu Shan Theme Park (剑湖山). We arrived there at around 10am and to my disappointment, there were not much people in the park. There were a few student groups
around but they left at around 2pm which made the park more or less... empty!!! Other than the fact that I did not wanna go on a roller coaster ride all alone (can you imagine one poor soul on a huge coaster... I wouldn't know what to do at all.....). The worse part was, the power to the park went out at around 3pm.. Gosh!! What luck we had.. At that point I was telling myself thank God I was not on any of the rides.. I would not like to be hung in the middle of the tracks... I also missed the haunted house too.. You can say it
 was more or less a wasted trip there. So next time when I have ride buddies, I will go back there.. =) We waited for our Taxi at the main entrance of the park at 5pm to take us back to the hotel to collect our luggages to move on to the train station for our ride to Taichung. We were so relieved to see escalators in the station.. The thought of carrying our cases and climbing the stairs really scared us... LOL. As per planned, we headed to Feng Jia Night Market(逢甲夜市) almost immediately after we put our stuff down in the hotel room. This market is really huge and the winds were sooooo strong I had a feeling I would get blown away.. To be honest, I wasn't prepared for such cold winds as the weather forecasts that we had checked before we left Singapore tells us that the average temperatures would be around 24 - 28 degrees.. so I had to get some thick clothings to keep
myself warm.. Also, as we travel further north, it is supposedly going to get colder. Before moving off to Taipei the next morning, we went to the much recommended restaurant Wu Jiao Chuan Ban(伍角船板). The food was really good but the prices are rather steep. On the way to the High Speed Rail Station, we picked up our Sun Biscuits (太阳饼) and Pineapple Cakes (鳳梨酥) along the way at the taxi driver's recommendation of the best shops...