What's cooking honey?

Missy told me today that she's going to experiment in the kitchen.
During her last visit here in Germany she discovered the "wonderful world of Gulasch" (or goulasch, how Missy says).
Actually, Missy is a Gulasch-holic.
Everywhere we travelled she ordered Gulasch at least once to find "Germany's Best Gulasch".

According to Missy this Photobucket was the best looking Gulasch (found in Hamburg's restaurant "Alte Apotheke") - but not the best in taste... (on the picture you see a loaf of bread which is holed and then filled up with Gulasch).
Nice idea of the chef - but really messy to eat after more than 15 minutes ;-)

So, Missy is going to try her own Gulasch today.
So far the meat is ready and boiling... we will see the final result soon... ;-)
It's a pitty that I will not have a chance to taste "Gulasch no. 1" - but maybe that's better for me & my stomach... ;-)

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